I’m busy writing new songs these days. It’s a lot of fun. And it’s a lot of work. I get an idea, it sounds great, I write it down…. and then what? As the ever-inspring great songwriter Steve Earle says, “The first verse is easy. The rest is work.” I can’t agree more. I’m always looking to get songs right from the horse’s mouth – straight from my higher self, and that can mean some serious excavation. Some digging. Deep digging.

Like any work, it is very satisfying when I’ve finished and have a shiny new song for the singing! I’m proud of the songs I’ve written so far, and I’m always looking to improve my skills, to master my craft. I do it for all you wonderful people out there: I want my music to be YOUR music, music that resonates with you and speaks to your heart. Because it’s coming to you from my heart every night.

I’ve just been in the studio laying down tracks for a new song that I’ve been woodshedding lately. Maybe you’ve heard me do it on stage… I’ve now settled on a name (like kids and dogs sometimes it takes a while to find the right name for a song!), and I’m going with Valentine’s Day (Wasn’t So Great). I’ll be letting you know when it’s getting close to whelping.

I’ve also signed with a distributor for my Burning Road song and I now have it EVERYWHERE: Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, all the places. Plus you can download it from Bandcamp, and you can name your price! I’ve capped the price at $1,000,000.00 dollars. (If you wish to pay more, let’s talk. Could be a bonus track in it for you.)

OK, that’s all for now, I hope to see you at a show soon!